Friday 27 November 2020

Stop Press - Society Xmas 'Fun Day' Meeting at Upchurch River Valley now Cancelled

  Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 Pandemic the Society Xmas 'Fun Day' Meeting scheduled for 9th December 2020 at Upchurch River Valley has now been cancelled. 

Dave hopes to arrange an extra Society meeting for January 2021, that will include the annual Society AGM and he hopes to see you all there.

Merry Christmas and, hopefully, a much better New Year to you all!

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Stop Press - Society Meeting at Southern Valley now Cancelled

 As I am sure you are all aware, the latest lockdown includes the closure of all golf courses and driving ranges. Therefore the Society Meeting scheduled for 10th November 2020 at Southern Valley is now cancelled. 

Subject to the lockdown being lifted at the beginning of December, Dave hopes to see everyone at the December Fun Day on Wednesday 9th December at Upchurch River Valley.